Hotels premises, their surrounding areas and car parks are easy targets for criminals who will be looking for ANY opportunity to commit a crime, whether it is stealing guests’ personal belongings or possibly even car theft while their owners are away from their vehicles. At A-Z our officers are fully trained to deal with and prevent such issues in a professional and concise manner. You will find that even their appearance while patrolling and guarding your premises will act as a natural deterrent to any unwanted attention or interest.
We ensure that any security officers sent to you are committed, responsible, and reliable as well as being highly competent within the hotel security environment. Our hotel security teams ensure that your premises are well protected against any unauthorized access or occupation and we will protect property against damage by force entry and theft.
We also offer an out of hours escort service for your staff. This is offered in the situation where you prefer we don’t act as key holders to your premises. With this service can meet your staff member at the location and check the premises with them ensuring their safety, and our guard will remain with them until the alarm is reset and the premises are secure. In event of a break in, our professionally trained guards would wait with your staff member until the Police arrive and ensure your staff members personal safety is maintained at all times.
To find out more about our service and professional Security Officers or to book your Hotel Security service, please contact us on